


Trident uses Winsms to send all it's bulk and individual SMS's.

Click the banner on the left for free registration.





TPN is a specialized credit bureau that provides in-depth tenant information, rental payment behaviour and profiling of tenants. TPN can also can create a comprehensive credit report on a potential tenant. TPN clients can use Trident to upload data to keep their tenant's profile updated - no more manual updating.

Click the banner on the right to learn more about TPN.



Tridentsoftware uses the iPortals Electronic Document Management solution to provide your company with its own Web Document Storage.
This feature stores documents on a website for a period of up to 5 years.

Documents uploaded are converted into exact electronic replicas of the paper based documents.
All documents are encrypted to prevent manipulation and hosted in a secure environment.

Any document that may be relevant to the user can be uploaded, for example :

  • Monthly Statements
  • Monthly Invoices
  • Newsletters
  • Meeting Notifications
  • Meeting Minutes
  • General Notices
  • Financial Reports
  • Annual Budgets

Click on the link to view an iPortals demo (username = TridentOwner / password = Trident2012).