Date Reminder

Is remembering dates one of your daily challenges?

Trident has a date reminder service.

Choose the type of date that you would like to be reminded of, e.g. AGM, Insurance Renewal, End of Lease, Clearance, Birthday etc.  Tick the “Remind” box and set the number of “Days in Advance” that you would like to be reminded.

Example: a buildings insurance policy is due for renewal on 01 March and you want to warned of this event by the middle of January.
Step 1:  Capture the renewal date in the Building Information section.
Step 2:  In the Date Type section tick the “Insurance Renewal” date “Remind” box and set the “Days in Advance” to 45.  On the 15 January you will get a reminder from Trident when you log-in, and every time you log-in until you do something about it.

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